GED Testing


High School Equivalency Exams

If you're a Colorado resident, 17 or older, and never got your high school diploma, Front Range Community College can help you get your High School Equivalency (HSE) diploma. 16-year-olds can apply for an age waiver.

FRCC offers two High School Equivalency (HSE) exams:

  • GED (Boulder County, Larimer and Westminster Testing Centers)
  • HiSET (Larimer Testing Center only)

What's on the GED?

To earn your GED, you'll need to pass five computerized tests that are given in four sections, including math, science, social studies, and reasoning through language arts (RLA).

The math, science and social studies tests each take 90 minutes. Reasoning through language arts is a 150-minute test given in three sections with one 10-minute break after the second section.

GED Preparation

Zero Dropouts logoNext GED is a program from Zero Dropouts, in partnership with FRCC, Larimer County and the Poudre Valley School district. For the 2024-2025 academic year. Next Larimer County will offer an in-person drop-in site for the NextOnline program and will be enrolling 17-20 year olds. Here are some of the supports you can receive:

  • Free GED testing
  • Academic support and preparation for the GED via synchronous online classes, asynchronous courses and in-person support
  • Flexible scheduling
  • Literacy education
  • Job-seeking support
  • Transition to FRCC certificate programs or further education
  • Support and services are available in English and Spanish.

Schedule Your Test 

Scheduling your GED test is a simple two-step process. At, simply register then schedule your test.

Once you're scheduled, go to the Testing Center at the Boulder County, Larimer or Westminster Campus during your test time with a valid government-issued ID.

Pay For Your Test

While scheduling your test at, you'll be asked to pay for your test. Each section costs $43.50, and the whole test is $174. If you fail a section and need to re-test, the cost is just $17.50 per section. If you want to retake the test for a higher score, each section will cost $43.50.

View Your Test Results

To view your test scores, or to order a transcript of your GED test results, log in to your student account at

Passing Scores

Passing scores for individual test sections start at 150 and you'll need a total score of 600 or higher for all four sections to earn your GED. A score of 170 to 200 on any subject test is considered passing with honors.

Disability Accommodations

If you have a documented disability, visit to submit an accommodations request.

Larimer Testing Center Hours

Day Time
Monday 9 am - 7 pm
Tuesday 9 am - 5 pm
Wednesday 9 am - 5 pm
Thursday 9 am - 7 pm
Friday 9 am - 4 pm
Saturday 9 am - 1 pm
Sunday Closed

Westminster Testing Center Hours